Our Instruments can trace their roots back to the 1930’s with our development of an automotive engine analyzer utilizing a Thermal Conductivity Detector (TCD). The success of this instrument led to the development of a variety of TCDs which are still implemented in numerous instruments today, such as our gas chromatographs and binary gas analyzers.
Today GOW-MAC has expanded to instruments utilizing multiple types of detectors in gas chromatographs and dedicated analyzers. Our gas chromatographs can be equipped with a Discharge Ionization Detector (DID) for sub ppm analysis, Flame Ionization Detector (FID) for hydrocarbon analysis, Thermal Conductivity Detector (TCD) for atmospheric impurities, Photoionization Detector (PID) for aromatic and other organic compounds. We also manufacture a specific gas chromatograph with a High Frequency Argon Discharge Detector (HFADD) for the analysis of sub ppm impurities in argon. These instruments can be combined with the Clarity data acquisition package for a powerful chromatography system.
Our dedicated analyzers consist of a Total Hydrocarbon Analyzer with a FID, Binary Gas Analyzers utilizing a TCD, and a line of spectral emission plasma analyzers for the analysis of nitrogen in either helium or argon. Our popular impurities in beverage grade CO2 analyzers utilize different detectors depending on the application.
All of our instruments are industry proven, rugged for everyday use, and an ease of operation. Our skilled team of sales personnel, engineers, chemists, and technicians work closely with our customers to ensure you receive the best instrument to assist you in solving your analytical needs.